
Mary and Ian 16th May 2021

Dearest Colin, So many happy memories. Memories of you trying out your standup routines at our kitchen table. Your kindness tutoring William in preparation for his A Levels many years ago. Chatting in pubs, Cafe Prov, friends' gardens and houses. Going to Barts choir concerts together. Walking the perimeter of Richmond Park fund raising. Your work on the Armada mural at the House of Lords and Joining you in the open art exhibition in Brixton. The mural you painted for Sally. Your courage and humour dealing with your illness. So much more. We will miss you very much and are reminded of you every day when we see the paintings of yours which we have on our walls, and the shelves which you built to accommodate at least some of Ian's1000's of records and cds. We feel privileged to have known you, and will always remember your humour and good company. With fondest memory and love. Mary and Ian